Do AmTrak Trains Have Bathrooms? Where are they located?

Do Amtrak Trains Have Bathrooms? Yes they do!

AmTrak is a large passenger transportation system, traveling through 46 states and 3 Canadian provinces. There are many routes that take more than 12 hours, for example the Empire Builder average journey time is more than 45 hours!

Traveling by train is more than just getting to your destination, it’s relaxing and enjoying the surroundings, sleeping, reading, planning, dreaming.

During this time, bathroom trips will be involved, few of them.

Where are the AmTrak’s bathrooms located?
While the general question is answered with a simple answer, the location of the bathrooms will take some screen space.

So let’s get into it.

Let’s start with the single-level coaches, these cars usually have two bathrooms, one will be wheelchair accessible, and they are located at each end of the car.

do amtrak trains have bathrooms

Where are the bathrooms located on AmTrak’s Superliner cars?

For the two-levels Superliner sleepers, there are two types of bathrooms, shared and private. The ones shared are for the roomettes, one upstairs and couple downstairs.

The private ones are for the bedrooms, each bedroom has their own bathroom.

Superliner lounge cars

Super Lounge Car will have their one bathroom at the lower level.

On the two-level Superliner coaches, the bathrooms are on the lower level, there are few of them, one is wheelchair accessible and one is as large as the width of the car, also called a dressing room.

AmTrak’s Viewliner Sleeper one level car is equipped with a toilet in the roomette and as the Superliner, each bedroom has their own bathroom.

Want to know how fast Amtrak trains can go, click HERE.